





2018-09-25 25822 Views iarch001
设计, 家具, 桌子, 比利时, Charlotte Jonckheer, 石材, 再生纸
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再生纸和石屑制成的边桌-Charlotte Jonckheer Charlotte Jonckheer makes side tables from recycled paper and stone dust 由专筑网王帅,蒋晖编译 比利时设计师Charlotte Jonckheer设计了两张边桌,石制的桌面和桌腿由再生纸和石屑压而成。 这两张边桌被命名为Chaud,这同时也是Jonckheer所研制出的复合材料的名字。 Belgian designer Charlotte Jonckheer has created two side tables with stone tops supported by curved recycled paper and stone dust legs. The two side tables are named Chaud, which is also the name that Jonckheer has given to the paper and stone composite material she developed to make them with. Jonckheer正在研究——像石头这样坚硬的材料如何能给人温暖和柔软的感受,而这种新材料正是在这种情况下应运而生。 Chaud是一种手工制作的材料,它通过将回收的纸浆和石屑压在一起而制成。最初成型的复合材料薄板是湿的,它们通过模具被制成想要的形状。当它在空气中干燥后,便会呈现出一种斑驳的纹理以及像石头一样的质感。 The material arose out of research that Jonckheer was conducting into how outdoor materials like stone could be made to feel warm and soft to the touch. Chaud is a handmade material, created by pressing together recycled paper pulp and stone dust. While the sheets of the composite is still wet, they can be configured into any shape using a mould. As it dries in the air, the material takes on a dappled texture and a pale, stone-like aesthetic. 这种再生材料的颜色和质地的多样性意味着它制成的物品都有带有其独特的外观和特点。 Jonckheer告诉Dezeen的记者:“在我的设计中,我喜欢采用柔软的材料和触觉来对比强烈的线条。这两张桌子使用了两种材料,表面上有相似之处,但质感和材质却截然不同。” The variety in the recycled material's colour and texture means that any object made from it has its own signature look and feel. "In my design language I like to contrast strong graphic lines with soft materials and tactility," Jonckheer told Dezeen. "Here you have two materials that have similarities on the surface but have a completely different feel and material qualities." 桌面和马蹄形的底部由Beige dei Medici石制成,而它们之间的弧形体块则由chaud复合材料制成。 Chaud材料柔韧、坚固,它能够承受石材的重量,为整块石材桌面提供稳定的支撑。 The tabletops and horseshoe-shaped bottoms are made of Beige dei Medici stone, sourced from Belgian suppliers Hullebusch, while the curved body of the table is made from chaud. The chaud material is flexible and strong, able to hold the weight of the stone as well as provide stability to the whole piece. 材料的可持续性是Jonckheer设计之中的一个重要因素。从当地印刷厂回收的纸张,不经任何处理就可再循环利用。 Jonckheer解释说:“我对可持续性的主要关注点是设计对象的使用。我痴迷于研究该产品所能赋予其它设计的价值,使人们保存并珍惜这件物品。” Sustainability is an important element of the design process for Jonckheer. The paper is made of salvaged offcuts from local print shops and its untreated nature makes it fully recyclable. "But my primary concern with sustainability is the use of a design object," explained Jonckheer. "I'm fascinated by researching the value someone gives to the design which surrounds him, making him want to keep and treasure an object." 这位安特卫普(Antwerp,比利时省份)的设计师于2015年成立了她的工作室,他们致力于探索人与环境之间的关系。 “我的工作室主要关注设计对象在使用中所产生的情感价值。受自然和人类行为的启发,我以我的热情来创造设计,以此来激发用户的兴趣和互动。” 2018年米兰设计周期间,Chaud边桌作为Brut系列的一部分,在Salone de Mobile 上首次亮相。Brut系列是六位比利时新兴设计师的作品集合。 The Antwerp-based designer established her studio in 2015 and explores the interactions between a person and the environment. "My studio's main focus is the emotional value sparked by the use of a design object. Inspired by perceptions in nature and human behaviour I play with anticipation and familiarisation to create designs which intrigue their user and activate interaction. The Chaud side tableBruts were launched at Salone de Mobile 2018 during Milan design week as part of the Collective, which featured the work of six emerging Belgian designers.
设计, 家具, 桌子, 比利时, Charlotte Jonckheer, 石材, 再生纸



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